Market research

Reliable and scrupulous analysis conducted by experts using an optimal methodology

Icono estudios de mercadoThe key to ensuring quality and success in any market analysis activity lies in the method used.
The FTZ method lays out the steps, the order and the execution time of each study activity.

Our goal

The different stages of the process include:

  • Understanding the problem raised
  • Designing the research in the first stage of creating a strategy
  • Obtaining the data within the set timings
  • Analyzing the information collected and subsequently interpreting it
  • Presenting the results and conclusions of the study with the added value of FTZ, the fruits of our long and extensive experience in this field.

We manage different types of studies according to the goals set by our clients:

  • Mystery shopping
  • Social media marketing
  • Point of sale audits
  • Commercial network and team audits
  • Commercial channel audits
  • Levels of satisfaction – Customer satisfaction survey
  • Comprehensive analysis and management of client databases
  • Qualitative and quantitative research
  • Studies of presence in web banners, social networks and catalogues

The difference with FTZ


  • At FTZ we listen actively and pay special attention to understanding the motives, the possible issues and the research objectives of our clients.
  • We are conscientious and methodical. We guarantee the quality of the information obtained, the proper treatment and analysis of all of the data collected and we communicate the results in a clear way (Scoreboard).

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