
Specific reinforcing with highly qualified professionals and experts

Icono promotores
We have been working in retail since 1996. In FTZ we have grown hand in glove with the development and expansion of the new commercial models in our country. That is why we know that each point of sales is unique and that not all promoters are the same.

Our goal

To optimize our clients’ investments with the highest professionalism possible in all actions at the points of sale.

  • We believe that each product needs a promoter profile that is in keeping with the image and values of each client.
  • We design specific promotional networks tailored for each project, with specialised promoters, demonstrators and tasters for all product lines.
  • We move adroitly and efficiently in department stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets and traditional retail shops.
  • We have a large database of promoters working all over Spain with a thorough analysis of their profiles and commercial aptitudes.
  • From FTZ we optimize the experience, training and talent of each promoter in order to meet the commercial goals of our clients in the shortest possible time.

The difference with FTZ


  • Our deep knowledge of promotional operations
  • A wide database with profiles that are defined according to the aptitudes of each promoter
  • The FTZ operational control system detects possible incidents with promoters in order to be able to react to any unforeseen situation in the shortest possible time.
  • The experience we have accumulated regarding distribution channels enables us to master the operating mechanism of each chain.
  • We comply with the bureaucracy quickly and efficiently. We have the approval for operating in all the major department stores in Spain.
  • We are familiar with the idiosyncrasies of each distribution chain and we transfer the operational peculiarities of each one to our team of promoters.

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