
Tangible results with manifold options within your reach

Icono promocionesWhen our clients decide to run a promotional action, we, at FTZ, consider their sales objectives to be our own.

Our goal

To achieve the targeted sales in every action.

To that end we set up the 360º management of all the processes that intervene:

  • FTZ avails of the team and the tools needed to coordinate all the phases of each promotion
  • We design the communication of the promotion on and off line
  • We manage the value of the promotion, prepare the report of the results as well as make an assessment of each of the actions undertaken.

We offer complete solutions for promotions:

  • Cash back
  • Cash for feedback
  • Product testing with incentives
  • Renewal plan
  • Actions to create loyalty
  • Launching new products
  • Commercial boost for clearing stocks

The difference with FTZ


  • Complete and comprehensive management of promotions with rigorous control in each phase of execution.
  • When carrying out the promotional activity, we quantify and evaluate the results in real time through the FTZ reporting system.
  • Immediate ability to respond in order to correct those elements that are not providing excellent results.
  • Our promotions are agile and flexible in nature, enabling changes and improvement measures to be undertaken directly with the objective of achieving our clients’ goals.

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